Go behind the scenes with full time landscape photographer Ryan Dyar as he walks you through his process for making your landscapes pop! These courses cover everything from general tips, tricks, and techniques to subtle, but dramatic color and light enhancement to image and foreground clean up and much more.
Courses included in this EXCLUSIVE, limited-time bundle curated specifically for the 5DayDeal customers are:
• the Grand Landscape| 45m
• Working With Winter | 1h 16m
• Something from Nothing III | 1h 51m
• 30 More Key Lessons | 1h 43m | [PRO ONLY]
Here is what you get:
• Up to 4 amazing courses
• Up to 5+ Hours of in depth videos
• Up to $155 Value
• Up to 64% - 73+ Discount
The Grand Landscape; big, bold, sweeping photographs of the earth... this is what I've focused my entire career on. Now I've decided to take my Grand Landscape compositions and dissect them for you to learn my theories. Foregrounds, mid grounds, backgrounds and everything in between to tie them all together and hold the viewer's eye in the photograph for as long as possible. Afterall, keeping the viewer drawn into your image is one of the biggest goals of composing a scene and expressing your interpretation of the landscape to them. This videos breaks down some of my best (and worst) compositions from the past 16 years I've spent holding a camera to my face.
• Run time: 45m
• Narrated in English with optional Spanish subtitles
• Delivered via streaming and as a downloadable .MP4 file
These are Santa's favorite type of images to process... winter landscapes! This tutorial covers all the techniques I use to make crisp, clean, and fresh looking winter images. From creating blowing snow, falling snowflakes, highlight glints, composing with contrast, rim-light, a fix for mediocre snow, and a lot more. As always, I cut out any parts of the video that are not useful information. All learning, no filler. I'm excited to share these processing ideas with you!
• Run time: 1h 16m
• Includes custom Photoshop actions.
• Narrated in English with optional Spanish subtitles
• Delivered via streaming and as a downloadable .MP4 file
This in-depth tutorial is a laid back journey into seeing what can be created when timing and field technique is not working in our favor. Join in as we attempt to make something from nothing by blending different atmospherics from two separate RAW files taken several minutes apart… after already moving the camera. More than just trying to blend a couple images, the processing of this image requires fixing/creating reflections, removing distractions elements, using atmosphere to solve a compositional flaw, building three dimensional textures, the many ways ACR local adjustments can be used, and a lot more. If you’re more of a conservative type image editor then this tutorial might cause you anxiety.
• Run time: 1h 51m
• Includes custom Photoshop actions
• Narrated in English with optional Spanish subtitles
• Delivered via streaming and as a downloadable .MP4 file
You get all of the above tutorials no matter which package you choose. If you would like access to $100+ more tutorials for only $30 more, then check out the the additional tutorial below which include more than 100 minutes of additional instruction video via PRO version of this offer. Enjoy!
This jam-packed tutorial offers up 30 lessons. These are tips, tricks, techniques, ideas, and different ways of thinking about certain aspects of photography that I’ve learned slowly over my 15 year career. Dealing with obnoxious sunlight, new local adjustment tools, AI noise reduction, building your own light at sunrise, making your subject look in the right direction, light slivers, the simplest way to understand contrast and so, SO much more. These are ideas and techniques that took me a decade and a half to learn, now you can learn them in 100 minutes! As always, this tutorial is all information and no filler.
• Run time: 1h 43m
• Includes custom Photoshop actions.
• Narrated in English with optional Spanish subtitles
• Delivered via streaming and as a downloadable .MP4 file
I'm a chubby man-child from the Seattle, Washington area who points cameras at stuff. I've somehow gotten lucky enough to not work a "real" job for over a decade now and can call myself a Professional Photographer, but "Professional" is a term I use lightly. Please refer to the first sentence for clarification. Unlike many people, I'm not a big-shot award winning photographer. I'm simply a moron with a camera who doesn't enter contests because I don't create images to be competitive... it's just a fun outlet.
My path to photography was as organic as most people's. I received a camera as a gift in 2005 and eventually took it along on my travels at a time in my life that I felt a bit lost. The ensuing interest in creating images gave me a sense of direction that I was lacking in life. Now it's well over a decade later and photography has not only become my career, but what my existence revolves around... for better or worse. A camera has lead me to meeting my wife, my best friends, and also discovering the one true passion in my life that has guided me toward being a better human. And yes, I understand how lame that sounds.
My idea of creating imagery seems to be constantly changing as I evolve as a photographer and I take artistic liberties with the process of making my own style of art, which may not be for everyone. Whether what I do resonates with you or not, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to check it out.